Weather – Flooding And Underground Navigation
It matters not how many thousands of pounds you have spent of shiny caving kit and how clever you tie knots, or even how fit and strong you are, if you go into the wrong cave on the wrong day, the flood water will kill you and everybody in your team. Period!
Flooding awareness is the one skill that covers ALL caving. Whether you do easy walking underground or descend gigantic vertical shafts you need to have a working knowledge of flooding and hydrology to give yourself the best chances of safety.
Two days of theoretical and site visited training will at the very least make you consciously aware of what can go wrong and importantly how to predict its likely hood.
Using a mixture of presentations and interactions you’ll learn systematic approaches and working models to safe guarding in flood prone caves. Topics including weather history, forecasting, surface features effecting the cave and features within the cave will heighten your knowledge bringing your both caution and confidence and importantly competence.
Coupled these skills with input into accurate survey reading and guidebook interpretation, the often bewildering world of cave navigation and language with be demystified to help you to cave more effectively, getting you to where you want to go yourself and assessing the flood potential on the way.
With flooding incidents on the rise … This is essential training.
If someone believes its all about a weather forecast you’d be dead wrong
Previous experience: Some Caving basic experience necessary
Duration: Min 2 full days
Min Ratio: 1 instructor to 1
Max Ratio: 1 instructor to 6
Cost: Dependant on size of group