Rigging For Single Rope Technique – Foundation

The second step to self led independent vertical caving and potholing.

If you’re competent and confident on SRT rope skills, passing re-belays and deviations and would like to develop the rope rigging skills yourself, then this is suited to you.

Expect to leave the course with a working knowledge of rigging guides and descriptions, caving ropes their selection preparation and maintenance, simple inspection of insitu anchors, essential knots, the attachments and their versatility and application, plus safe efficient methods of using your S.R.T. kit to protect yourself whilst rigging the ropes and also clarification on unsafe methods you may see others use and what to avoid.

This is an advanced course for individuals or pairs progressing to independent vertical caving and potholing. Involving comprehensive practical and theoretical surface training prior to self led and organised SRT descents.

Getting you rigging for you!


Previous experience: Complete competence in SRT
Duration: Min 2 full days
Min Ratio: 1 instructor to 1
Max Ratio: 1 instructor to 2 due to the serious nature of S.R.T rigging
Cost: Dependant on size of group and equipment needed